Dynasol Group joins Eurobitumen

In our motivation for innovation and development, we have joined Eurobitumen

April 19, 2023

In our motivation for innovation and development, we have joined Eurobitumen

April 19th, 2023

     We are proud to announce that Dynasol Group is now a part of the most important European association of bitumen producers, Eurobitumen.

     This organization is on a mission to bring technical developments, sustainable solutions, and encourage effective uses of bitumen applications. This achievement is a huge step towards cooperative innovation that comes with great benefit to our community and the European bitumen industry.

     Together we will actively participate in raising awareness, studying new solutions, and working with other members across Europe to promote development in the bitumen industry. We are appreciative of this opportunity, if you want to learn more please visit Eurobitumen at Eurobitume, the European Association of Bitumen Producers or contact marketing.dynasol@dynasol.com.

News highlights

We thank the Government of Cantabria and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for their support

Dynasol Elastomers SAU Secures Grant for Industry 4.0 IT Solutions Project

Dynasol Elastómeros SAU Obtains ISO 14064 and ISCC PLUS Certifications

News highlights

We thank the Government of Cantabria and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for their support

Dynasol Elastomers SAU Secures Grant for Industry 4.0 IT Solutions Project

Dynasol Elastómeros SAU Obtains ISO 14064 and ISCC PLUS Certifications