General Quimica participates in new Research Projects
General Quimica participates in new Research Projects
General Química, will be participating in two new research projects that aim to investigate and develop new solutions of accelerators for different applications in the rubber industry.

General Química, will be participating in two new research projects that aim to investigate and develop new solutions of accelerators for different applications in the rubber industry.
GENERAL QUÍMICA SAU will be participating in two new research projects which are “Investigation and Development of a Novel Rubber Compounds Accelerator for High-Value-Added Performance” and “Investigation and Development of New Routes of Synthesis of Accelerants For Rubber Vulcanization Process"
The Rubber compounds accelerator project aims to investigate, design and develop a novel accelerant that allows to provide vulcanized rubber compounds with novel benefits, which due to its dual functionality as an accelerator and as a sulfur donor, will allow it to be used in the future in vulcanized rubbers with unique properties.
The Synthesis of accelerants for Rubber vulcanization project aims to investigate and develop new solutions of primary and secondary vulcanization accelerators for different uses in the rubber industry.
These projects are part of the company's Research Development & Innovation policy as they contribute to the continuous search of new products and processes that allow General Quimica SAU and Dynasol Group to be at the forefront of Innovation.
Place of execution of the project: GENERAL QUÍMICA SAU facilities in Álava (Basque Country)
Project Execution time frame: May 1st ,2020-October 30th, 2021
Project Co-financed with FEDER FUNDS
About Dynasol Group
Dynasol Group is a JV between KUO and Repsol and is one of the world leaders in the Synthetic Rubber and Rubber Chemical markets with revenues estimated at up to more than 700 million dollars and a production of 500,000 tons per year. The JV consists of seven different nationalities and has three production centers located in Spain, Mexico and China. Our sales offices serve more than 500 clients in 70 different countries.