The Government of Cantabria and The European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) granted Dynasol support to a project aimed to develop polymeric nano compounds as barrier for radon gas
The Government of Cantabria and The European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) granted Dynasol support to a project aimed to develop polymeric nano compounds as barrier for radon gas
The Government of Cantabria and The European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) granted Dynasol support to a project aimed to develop polymeric nano compounds as barrier for radon gas
March 24, 2023

The Government of Cantabria and The European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) granted Dynasol support to a project aimed to develop polymeric nano compounds as barrier for radon gas
March 24th, 2023
Dynasol Elastomers SAU has received aid co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the FEDER 2014-2020 Operational Program of Cantabria by way of the INNOVA 2021 line of grants for the execution of the project: DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF NEW POLYMERIC NANOCOMPOUNDS WITH BARRIER EFFECT AGAINST RADON GAS (RnOUT) (Exp: 2021/INN/36).